Story Visioning: Write the Story you want to Live! by Nidhi Bruce

story visioning. Write the story you want to live by Nidhi Bruce


It’s been a long while since I really enjoyed a nonfiction book. “Story Visioning – Write The Story You Want To Live”, was a joy to read. It is a novel way of looking at affirmations and manifestations that spoke to the writer in me. 

Story visioning goes so much beyond creating a vision board. It creates a story of the life you want with scenes, dialogues and all. As the author, Nidhi Bruce says, “Story Visioning has been structured in a way that focuses on great detailing. It is not a 5 minutes a day repeatable method. It is actually meant to be an ongoing process that keeps pushing you to desire deeply and with great clarity.”

The book flows perfectly taking you on a journey with yourself and the author. Easy to relate to experiences made me nod in agreement while I read. The whole process was a lot of fun.

The author helps you write your own story right from writing the prologue, to the plotting, to the actual writing of the scenes. It was so refreshingly different from other books on visualising. You can see it happening and sending that message out to the universe complete with emotions and all, is so much more powerful.

I just loved the exercises that she has added to the book along with her own experiences of creating scenes and plotting her own story. It made it so relatable and real. It was like watching a movie of my life in my head and then writing it down to lock it down further. 

I also liked that she says manifestation should not be dark and heavy and hush hush, It should be something fun and light. She calls it “vibing high”. And when you are vibing high, the universe has to vibe back.

Every once in a while, I do a personal retreat, where I lock myself away from the world and surround myself with music, and books that have helped me grow. I go back to these books to set my life in order . Some of these books include, Anthony Robbins, “Awaken The Giant Within”, Gretchen Rubin’s “The Happiness Guide” and David Allen’s “Getting Things Done”

“Story Visioning – Write The Story You Want To Live”,by Nidhi Bruce, is going to get added to that list, because it is a book that is meant to remind you of what life can be and help you achieve it. It is a must have for everyone who wants to create the life of their dreams.

2 Replies to “Story Visioning: Write the Story you want to Live! by Nidhi Bruce”

  1. […] Story Visioning: Write the Story you want to Live! by Nidhi Bruce Book Review: Editing Bootcamp by Dola Basu Singh […]

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