What the story is about: Eight-year-old Chanda Maheshwari and thirteen-year-old Veerendra Singh Choudhry are married as per custom. But when the bridegroom runs away immediately after the wedding, the Maheshwari family’s world comes crashing down. They move to Jaipur to begin a new life in the city. Fourteen years later, as a management student in […]
book review
Book Review: How to Weave a Theme into your Story by Ruchira Khanna.
What the book is about The book How to Weave a Theme into your Story by Ruchira Khanna is the ninth volume of The Writer’s Tool Kit Series by The Book Club Authors. The author takes us through her own journey as a writer and explains how working with a theme for her fiction books […]
Book Review: More Unfairy Tales by T.F. Carthick

Blurb A knight rescues a damsel in distress. They marry, the whole kingdom rejoices, and everyone lives happily ever after. The end. Or at least that’s what Official sources say. But what tales do insiders tell? What secrets lie buried deep inside Davey Jones’ Locker?What, dear reader, about The Unfairy tales? The […]
Book Review: The Missing Fairy Princess by Walter Salvadore Pereira
Take a witch, add a couple of fairies and a dark plot that twists and turns till you are breathless and what do you have? Walter Salvadore Pereira’s latest book, “The Missing Fairy Princess”! Blurb: The Missing Fairy Princess is the story of a fairy princess pitted against a powerful witch. The witch overhears […]
Book Review: I am the 10th by D.R. Downer
Blurb: Sarah, a happily married lady from New Delhi, India, wakes up one fine morning in an unknown place. It’s not her home, not her city; it’s not even her country. What is she doing there? How did she reach there? Where is her family? Her search to all these questions takes her […]
Book Review: Killer Moves by Varsha Dixit
Killer Moves by Varsha Dixit My Review: This was an attention catcher right from the first page. It was difficult to put down. The only thing that I found a little disappointing was that the author handled the whole “I can communicate with the dead” a little apologetically as if she was not […]
Book Review: The Bodyguard by Ruchi Singh
THE BODYGUARD by Ruchi Singh My Review: Esha Sinha has been hired as a bodyguard to Vikramaditya Seth Jr. When I read this, I was intrigued. I looked forward to a book where the roles were reversed and a woman had a strong role. I must say I was disappointed. Instead of finding a […]
Book Review: Matsya by Sundari Venkatraman
After I read Matsya myself, I read it out to the kids in my Creative Writing class. They were as fascinated as I was. They knew about Narasimha, Ram and Krishna but not much about the other avatars of Vishnu. Matsya gave them not only a new story but also led to a discussion on […]
Book Review: Rising from the Ashes by Rubina Ramesh
RISING FROM THE ASHES: A Short Story: Prequel to Knitted Tales 2 by Rubina Ramesh My Review: The author in her introduction has clearly mentioned that it is the grey areas of mythology that interest her and this is one tale that has been obscured in confusion through the ages. She does not claim […]
Book Review: Prem Purana by Usha Narayanan
My Review: Honestly, I found it difficult to write a review for this book, because it was at the same time both interesting and irritating. I found it interesting because of all the titbits of fascinating information about the gods and their lives and their scheming that are little known. The author has obviously […]