Book Review: The Missing Fairy Princess by Walter Salvadore Pereira


Take a witch, add a couple of fairies and a dark plot that twists and turns till you are breathless and what do you have?  Walter Salvadore Pereira’s latest book, “The Missing Fairy Princess”!


The Missing Fairy Princess is the story of a fairy princess pitted against a powerful witch. The witch overhears a conversation between two colleagues about a potent new mantra being developed by one of them. Overcome by greed, she steals that mantra. She then hatches an elaborate plot to frame an adversary for her misdeed. Her intention is to exact sweet revenge from her foe and at the same time, get away with the theft. The victim, caught in her vicious web, is doomed to disgrace and a life sentence on a harsh penal colony. Meanwhile, the witch learns from her crystal ball about an imminent threat from a fairy princess wearing a pink tiara. To ward off that threat, she kidnaps the fairy princess, wipes her memory clean and then turns her into a two-year-old girl. Unfortunately for the culprit, she has goofed us by kidnapping the wrong fairy princess, Merlyn, instead of Ashlyn, her twin.

Will Ashlyn be able to solve the mystery of her missing twin and stop the cunning witch in her evil plot? Find out in the book which is an interesting mix of magical realism and whodunit.

My review:

This is the second book of Walter Salvadore Pereira’s that I have read. And it held me as enthralled as his first book, “This nightmare is real!”

Pereira has a knack of twisting the tale and keeping the suspense right till the end. This makes it hard to put down. Though it is a book for children, adults too would enjoy it.

His characters are very real and one can almost see them come to life. I was actually praying that the princess keeps safe. This was one book that I was really glad to pick up.

This definitely gets five stars from me.

One Reply to “Book Review: The Missing Fairy Princess by Walter Salvadore Pereira”

  1. The cover is so cute. I am sure kids would love reading this fairy tale. Wonderful storyline.

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