LOVE.EXE: A Sweet Romantic Comedy Making You Fall in Love by Manju Nambiar Blurb If you are looking for a feel-good heartwarming love story with a happy ending, this is your right pick!Nitya Balakrishnan, a young girl from Kerala had it all planned out. She was going to live the life […]
Author: Sunita Saldhana
Book Review: Mismatch by Priyanka Hasija
This is one book I was looking forward to. Ever since I met Priyanka at my own book reading four to five years ago, I was impressed with her. She was just around 17 at that time I think and was already focused on her writing. I have been following her scribbles from then […]
Book Blitz :Self -Editing, Editing & Editors by Inderpreet Uppal
SELF-EDITING, EDITING & EDITORS by Inderpreet Uppal BLURB Self-Editing, Editing, and Editors will help writers and authors demystify the nitty-gritty of editing. The Writer’s Toolkit covers the basic steps needed to ensure that you have a well-edited book. Editing Simplified! Easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on : How to search for […]
Book Review: Love in Agartha by Sundari Venkatraman
I must admit, I love fantasy romance and when Sundari Venkatraman ventures into this genre, I simply had to read it. Though Sundari Venkatraman is one of my favourite writers, I really did not expect the book to be so good! After all she does not write fantasy romance. I was floored! The book exceeded […]
Book Blitz : A Diary of Crime Stories by Sonia Rao
A DIARY OF CRIME STORIES: GUT-WRENCHING STORIES OF COLOURFUL CHARACTERS AND SHOCKING TWISTS by Sonia Rao Blurb • Did or didn’t a 5-year-old boy, who cannot hear or speak, witness a murder? And if he did, how dangerous can it become for him? • CCTV cameras prove that a robbery was committed […]
Book Blitz : Love in Agartha by Sundari Venkatraman

When Sanat Kumara usurps the job that Naavya Batra has been coveting for a long time, her instantaneous attraction towards him turns to intense dislike. But soon, she’s all in admiration for the man. When she finally decides to give herself to him, Sanat insists on telling Naavya something about her… …something she has […]
Review : Yours truly – A collection of emotions by A. Rituparna
This Christmas, I gave myself a treat. I read this book of poems. And it was indeed a treat. The poems are straight from the heart. Most of them are heart wrenching and make your heart go “Ouch!” But then there are a few of them which have an unexpected twist at the end, that […]
Book Review : The Magician by Sonia Rao

THE MAGICIAN (The Tarot Trilogy Book 1) by Sonia Rao Blurb Fashion designer Sasha Kapoor always felt she’d missed out on love as she had an arranged marriage. And when her husband turns up at their 15th-anniversary party with a strange woman, she knows that her marriage is dying. With constant surprises […]
Book Review: The Runaway Bridegroom by Sundari Venkatraman
What the story is about: Eight-year-old Chanda Maheshwari and thirteen-year-old Veerendra Singh Choudhry are married as per custom. But when the bridegroom runs away immediately after the wedding, the Maheshwari family’s world comes crashing down. They move to Jaipur to begin a new life in the city. Fourteen years later, as a management student in […]
Book Review: How to Weave a Theme into your Story by Ruchira Khanna.
What the book is about The book How to Weave a Theme into your Story by Ruchira Khanna is the ninth volume of The Writer’s Tool Kit Series by The Book Club Authors. The author takes us through her own journey as a writer and explains how working with a theme for her fiction books […]